"Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit and resign yourself to the influence of the earth."
- Henry David Thoreau
Having the good fortune to call the Northwest part of it my home, I will forever be in debt to the extremely diverse, beautifully wild landscapes of North America. It is this vast, unending beauty that has inspired a consistent passion within me to seek out the lonesome places and to "...climb the mountains and get their good tidings.", as John Muir so eloquently wrote.
I feel fortunate to have a passion for photography, with its ability to motivate me to get out and be there, in an attempt to capture the best image I possibly can. That extra, tiny little nudge that I sometimes need to exit the comfortable warmth of my sleeping bag before sunrise on a cold winter morning. Or to stay up late, hoping for a beautiful mountain sunset when my body wishes nothing but sleep. I am also constantly inspired, and quite frankly blown away, by the many talented photographers that have set a soaring bar when it comes to creating beautiful imagery. With a little motivation and some hard work, I hope that I can also inspire others, through my own photography, to think about these wonderful places and their worth to us as human beings. To hopefully come to an understanding that natural beauty and unspoiled wilderness are quite possibly the greatest treasures we can still give to future generations. Treasures that are beyond measurable value and that can't be replaced...
Thanks again for looking at my photos, please feel free to contact me.
Brad metz
"Hear the call, Learn the lesson, Pay the cost."
- Robert Service
"I'd rather sing one wild song and burst my heart with it, than live a thousand years watching my digestion and being afraid of the wet"
- Jack London